Limited seating – register today! Pre-conferences carry a separate registration fee of $150 and include all materials and continental breakfast.
9:30 A.M.–12 P.M.
Hosted by the UPCEA International Network
Please note the starting time, which is earlier than the other pre-conference sessions.
9 A.M.–12 P.M.
FRANCISCO MARMOLEJO, Tertiary Education Coordinator, Human Development Network, The World Bank
DAVE KING, Oregon State
DAN POUCHER, University of Florida
SUE MAES, Kansas State University
CORNELL MENKING, New Mexico State University
ROXANNE GONZALES, Regis University
AMY RELL, Regis University
MODERATOR: JOE SHAPIRO, San Diego State University
Providing an overview of select Latin American economies as they intersect with higher education policy, guest speaker Francisco Marmolejo of The World Bank sets the stage for a larger conversation about the emerging markets for professional, continuing, and online education. Next, Amy Rell and Roxanne Gonzales present an exploration of several internationally-focused degree models designed to help students compete globally while meeting needs of underrepresented adult learners. Within this context, Dave King and Dan Poucher present a case study for an international partnership in online learning, highlighting the nuances of relationship building, the need for continual and demonstrable mutual benefit, as well as critical modes of evaluation which will engender success. And, finally, Sue Maes and Cornell Menking share critical information about the resources Ecuador is newly investing in teacher education and its implications for U.S. universities such as the lauded Go Teacher program.
9:30 A.M.–12 P.M.
PAUL LEBLANC, President, Southern New Hampshire University
BARBARA BRITTINGHAM, Director/President, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (CIHE) of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC)
COLLEGE FOR AMERICA TEAM MEMBERS, Southern New Hampshire University
MODERATOR: DAVID SCHEJBAL, University of Wisconsin
Southern New Hampshire University has launched its College for America (CfA) degree program, a $2,500 per year competency-based degree designed for working adults not now well served by traditional delivery models. CfA is the first program of its kind to be approved by a regional accreditor, the first to be approved for Title IV support under direct assessment of learning provi-sions, and was recently featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education. In this workshop, members of the CfA leader¬ship team will provide insights into the program’s design and approach, and SNHU President Paul LeBlanc and Bar¬bara Brittingham, Director/President of the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NEASC), accreditor of the CfA program, will explore the implications of competency-based education for accredi¬tation and in the changing landscape of higher education in general.
Hosted in Partnership with the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)
9:30 A.M.–12 P.M.
NANCY COLEMAN, Boston University
CHRIS KABOUREK, University of Nebraska
BOB SHEA, Senior Fellow, Finance and Campus Management, NACUBO
MODERATOR: WILLIAM J. HUSSON, Vice President for New Ventures and Strategic Alliances, Regis University
Funding models are not a one size fits all. Factors such as institutional structure, unit organization, program capacity, and state statutes dictate the successful financial model for entre¬preneurial initiatives. Administrative leaders responsible for the advancement of distance education must work closely with their institution’s business profes¬sionals to optimize outcomes.
The panel of senior university business officers examine three distinct university approaches to funding online/continuing operations. Following these case study presentations and audience discussion, attendees will engage in an open conversation with fellow partici¬pants. This facilitated dialogue poses questions such as, “What keeps you up at night?” Attendees are invited to bring ideas about the challenges they face and various solutions they employ or are considering.